As African women, we have been cultured to get into a relationship and stay in that ship by all means. The Means; clean always, don't be lazy, give him all the sex he wants, make sure he enjoys the sex, but you shouldn't enjoy it! You are not a prostitute. Cook, pray, fast. Give birth to boys, give birth to girls, have both, don't have many children, or have few children. Never let a man know you can look after yourself, don't be a damsel in distress. Have no opinion; he knows everything. The means are many.
It is tedious and a thankless chore.
But it doesn't have to be. You can actually enjoy a relationship with an African man. First thing, forget everything you have been told about how to keep a man. You can't keep one they are wild animals (This is a joke, though I know men who behave like wild animals)
Second, get a copy of my book, THINGS I WISH THEY TOLD ME; How To Enjoy A Relationship With An African Man.
The third and final thing, live and prosper.
intresting this is an a must read , let me get that african Man kwanza then i come for the book lol